Screening Tools

PHQ Screening Tools
Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) is a diagnostic tool for mental health disorders used by health care professionals that is quick and easy for patients to complete. It contains the mood (PHQ-9), anxiety, alcohol, eating, and somatoform modules. The GAD-7 was subsequently developed as a brief scale for anxiety.
All PHQ, GAD-7 screeners and translations in a multitude of languages are downloadable from this website and no permission is required to reproduce, translate, display or distribute them. Relevant articles and a bibliography are also freely available.
Quick Links:
PHQ9-English (PDF)
PHQ9-Spanish (PDF)
GAD-7-English (PDF)
GAD-7-Spanish (PDF)
Other Languages

Geriatric Depression Scale
This scale was developed as a basic screening measure to detect depression in older adults. The website provides literature references, the screening tool in a variety of different languages, and a scoring form. A free iPhone APP and ANDROID APP are available for download. In addition, they offer a page that allows primary care providers to do the 15-item GDS on the screen and copy the results into their records.
Quick Links:
Short Form English
Short Form English Scoring
Long Form English with Scoring
Other Languages

Adolescent Screening
The PHQ-9 for Adolescents and the Pediatric Symptom Checklist are provided below.
Quick Links:
PHQ-9 for Adolescents (PDF)
PSC-Y for Adolescents (PDF)

Alcohol Abuse Screening
The manual “Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention: A Guide for Public Health Practitioners” provides the information, skills and tools needed to conduct screening and brief intervention (SBI) to help at-risk drinkers reduce their alcohol use. helps individuals assess their own alcohol consumption patterns to determine if their drinking is likely to be harming their health or increasing their risk for future harm.
Quick Links:
Alcohol Screening and Brief Interventions: A Guide for Public Health Practitioners (PDF)
Patient Alcohol Screening Tool